As usual, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
My mom sure knows how to cook!! She didn't disappoint, again, as usual.
We had my entire side of the family there, except miss Maddison, but she came up the next day, thank goodness!
Good food and good company. I am already missing those leftover turkey sandwiches!
Then we hit the Black Friday deals. We made it to our first store by 5 a.m. and got some great deals. Some so great, I couldn't pass them up. I was looking everywhere for a movie I already own. Smart. At least we had fun!!
Of course I forgot to take pictures.
The only one I got was miss K holding new little baby K.
Adorable. Both of them.
I'm thankful for my family. I'm grateful I can be myself and they accept me. My parents are always so hospitable and take such good care of me and even better care of my babies. They love their grandbabies, and I love the special bond they share.
I'm thankful for a hardworking, handsome husband that takes good care of us. That man is the hardest working man I know, seriously. It makes me proud that he works so hard, just for me and the kids. I'm one lucky girl.
I'm thankful, so thankful, to be a mom. Thankful again for that hardworking man I mentioned, so I can stay at home with my children. They light up my life, and make all the hard work so worth it. I wouldn't change this for anything. This is what it's all about.
he looks SO big next to her!!
Thanksgiving was wonderful. I love nothing more than having my family here at home.
aw look how cute! :) love you sis
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