Friday, December 03, 2010

Boise State

Tyler and I headed to our annual Boise State Football game, the weekend before Thanksgiving. A BIG thank you to my parents for watching our kids every year.
This year we had killer seats ... and I mean 5Th row killer.
But instead of going to the game, Tyler decided to pass a kidney stone!!
He got SO sick about an hour outside of Boise. He made me drive, and laid in the back seat. I thought he was going to die. I'm sure he thought the same.
I wish I had a video camera, he was hysterical. He was in so much pain, and I'm sure can't be blamed for his actions ... but still, hysterical.
I was trying not to be mad. I had to drive in the snow and in a city I've never driven in .. to a hotel down town with only one way roads that I swear led nowhere!! After making 4 or 5 trips around the block, I finally got in the right lane and made it to the hotel.
Then Tyler proceeded to throw his guts up. Poor guy.
We missed the first half of the game, and then Tyler couldn't miss any more of the game, so we made it for the 2ND half. Now that is a die hard fan.
Aside from the kidney stone, the 7 ft. tall man that was literally falling down drunk next to me at the game and the FREEZING weather .. it was a good trip.
Let's just say, I'm glad we went to this game and not the Nevada game. Boo.
Here are the only pictures we took.
You get me losing my balance,
me cross eyed
or Mr. kidney stone himself


* Dan & Ashley * said...

Sounds like a trip that you will never forget!! ;)

mom said...

Maybe kidney stones are around to let guys know just a little bit of what getting their babies here feels like. hehehe I'm glad ya made it to at least some of the game. (Where is a video camera when you need one?)