Thursday, September 16, 2010

School Days

THIS little girl .....
Back Pack shot. Love her over the shoulder pose.

She rides the bus!
She even rides that bus too and from school.
She's growing up.
It breaks my heart.
I've cried more then once.
Very bittersweet, I love this not so little girl.
**Cutest outfit EVER, courtesy of mamas bestie Linda. THANKS LIN!! **


* Dan & Ashley * said...

You are really NOT that OLD!!! But hey cute kids, big kids ;)

Whitney Harris said...

A kid in school, you are old! :)j/k It will be interesting to see how I react, I may be jumping for joy to get rid of a kid for a few hours. Is that wrong? Glad you cried though, that's sweet.

mom said...

Time is such a funny thing. In some ways it seems like Kennedy has been with us forever but in others it seems like she should be about 2 or 3 years old. I like you cried several times the day each of you kids started school. I was happy for a few hours of free time and yet I knew that once you guys started school that you were on your way to leaving me behind. Sad times.

Colleen said...

What a little cutie pie! She looks so grown up!