Thursday, September 16, 2010

Creative Little Boy

I won this little beauty online.
I was SO excited .. I rarely win anything!
(except the wooden plaque/sign I won last week ... but that's kinda rare right?!)
Lincolns own "cho cho" "twain" track.
He ran upstairs the second I put this contraption together and happily played until I rudely took it from it. Don't worry I got him chocolate milk and fishies to distract him.
And a funny face.
I cut his mullet off. Proud?
Justin Bieber hair will soon be ours ... I mean his ... well it's mostly for me so OURS.


Whitney Harris said...

wow, that's a good win! Those things are so expensive for being made out of freaking plastic!
Aren't we glad our kids are so creative, too bad you had to ruin his fun.

* Dan & Ashley * said...

I love his smile in the first one...Miss you guys!

mom said...

He sure does love his twains. What a cutie and that smile, it lights up my whole day

Colleen said...

What about the box the organizer came in? Playing in the box kept my kids going for hours too. Those are expensive, I have just a couple of them for that reason. You are lucky to have such a great win!
What a cute little guy - when did his hair get so light?

Tarese & Mike said...

Hi Fowlers! I can't believe how big Lincoln is!!! He is so cute! Great job on the Beiber hair, it looks adorable!