Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Unicorn - Panda - Ninja
This is one of the only pictures I got on Halloween.
My darned camera died, and we were running late.
At least it's a cute one.
We drove out to uncle Wyatt's house, only to get rained out.
We were going to wait it out in his garage, but the kids starting going WILD!
So we got some dinner and then just went to our neighborhood.
They still got TONS of candy, way too much.
They were such good sports, and had such a good time.
Lincoln was being so funny. He kept saying
"Treat Mom." "Hold it mom" "Trick Treat" "HAPPY HALLOWEEN"
They were super polite and always said thank you and had a great time.


* Dan & Ashley * said...

your kids are seriously so stinkin cute!!

Whitney Harris said...

What a bummer about the camera. At least you got one good picture. Glad you had a great holiday!

gina said...


Colleen said...

Cute kids and cute costums!

Brittianey said...

What little cutie's!!! I want to pinch all their cheeks. Do you think they will cry?? hehe You can steal my background we can have the sameone! No one will ever notice ;)