Thursday, September 30, 2010

I just joined!! It's free to sign up and a great opportunity. I get to try new products for free and all they ask is that I share what I thought about the product. It's super easy and fast to sign up and to report what you thought about the product. I'm excited to start trying new things and sharing my opinions! Click to see what they are all about .. you'll sign up too I bet :)


gina said...

I'm gonna check it out right now! How do you find out about this stuff. You are so in the know. :D

Unknown said...

Hello there!

I’m a Community Manager with and just wanted to let you know how appreciative we are of posts like this getting the word out :] Also wanted to let you know that we have a new program running right now for a new product, Durex Love Boxes (16 differently designed “Love Boxes” — or tins to hold condoms, plus 3 free Durex Condoms in each tin).

We also have a women’s razor mission, and tea mission launching within the next couple of weeks!

Thank you again for your support!