Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Happy Easter

Easter with the Fowler's was perfect. The kids didn't even wake up early!
McKinley was excited for her new princess dolls, and enjoyed the basket just as much.
 I can't tell you how many times Lincoln has pointed out which ones he has, or counted how many more he needs to have the complete set. I guess the Bunny did a good job.
 Said Bunny went old school and got these 3 cuties Game Boys.
Don't be confused by Reagan's face, they were ALL over the moon excited.
Easter Dress! 
 Has there ever been a cuter little lady?
All other children and even parents were dressed to match, and equally cute ...
I just can't get 6 people to church early (needed specific seats for our family's musical #) and take pictures. Also, boy was crying over pink shirt. Just imagine the cuteness, it's worth it.


Clarissa said...

McKinley is Walking!!! And her dress, Adorable!

Ashley said...

Ah, I love the dress! I can't wait to come and see you all!