Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Baby Girl turns 1 !

McKinley turned ONE last week. I can't belive she is so big ... well, she's a pipsqueak, but I can't believe she is so old. It really is hard when your baby gets older. Here are her 1 year old stats
Height : 27.8 inches - 15%
Weight: 18.7 pounds - 15%
She is the cutest, sweetest, most spoiled baby. Her sisters and brother are still smitten and kiss on her all day long. She is walking along everything and trying lots of new food. She is on my hip all day, and I must admit I enjoy having her as my tag-along. As much as she loves her mama, she picks Daddy everytime over me. She is a daddys girl and I love seeing them together, so sweet.
We had her birthday party in Idaho over Thanksgiving.
 Much to her dismay
Makes me nervous - makes everyone else laugh 
 She LOVES her new ariel and eric carriage, so cute.
 She HATES being the center of attention. Do not sing happy birthday to this girl.
 Thank goodness there was cake, she cheered right up.
 And even shared with Daddy. So nice.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

It was so good to see you guys! I am glad that we were able to celebrate with you guys, it was so much fun to see her open all of her presents. She is such a doll!