Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wrestling finale

Our 2ND wrestling season is finished. I say "our" because I really feel like it's something Tyler and I both put a lot of effort into.
He works so hard, endless/sleepless nights ... still having to wake up and teach every day. All the plans to make a wrestling season run, and run successful take up more time then is ever available.
The kids are such troopers, even when they don't get to see there daddy some days. We go to all the home meets and cheer our hearts out. For the most part they are such good kids and we've never had any major break downs at the meets.
I'm never more proud then when I see coach Fowler up there. He does his job effortlessly and the kids love him. He puts his heart and soul into his job and it's very obvious that this is the job for him. As hard as it is, Tyler enjoys coaching. With each passing year, it will get easier and soon enough we'll be like the assistant coach Eddie and his wife Heather .. and not remember how it was to not coach during wrestling season.
Hillcrest took 2 kids to state and they did pretty darned good.
Tyler was happy he had 2 go that far, happy the season ended so he could finally have some down time, but sad to see it go. Definitely bitter sweet. Here's to another successful season! GO HUSKIES!!!
The coaches
Tyler, Eddie, Woody, Tyson
The team
(most of them)

It's good to be a "wrestling widow" as Heather calls us.
Look how spoiled I am. Flowers, gift cards and the yummyies .. I cried.
I'm grateful for this opportunity, and was very overwhelmed when I got gifts. I didn't realize they even knew who I was. Thanks to the Gist's, and the team for thinking of me.


* Dan & Ashley * said...

OH how thweet!!! YOu are such an amazing wife and mamma!! go Huskies!!!

mom said...

We are all proud of both of you.