My kids have ALWAYS been the best nappers. Even since Lincoln was born, we ALL (including me. I'm like a 2 year old...I need my sleep!) nap at 1:00. I can honestly say that I really look forward to those 3 (yes I said 3) peaceful hours of sleep. Well, lately (dang the time change to heck!) my kids have been waking up earlier in the morning and wanting to nap later. WHAT?! So, I've started a new routine. Take Reagan up with a glass of milk of course, and sing to her a bit and then put her in bed. If she doesn't poop and take her diaper off and throw it on the ground and wipe her bummy on her EXPENSIVE bumper pad ... we're off to a good start. Then, I'll quickly run back downstairs to get Lincoln. I put a movie on for Kennedy while I nurse Lincoln to sleep. Once he's asleep, hopefully Reagan has fallen asleep. Then I convince Kennedy that naps are cool, even for 4 year olds. I tell her over and over that no, she can not just stay up while we all sleep. I promise wonderful things, candy, fun, play dough etc. Which she thankfully forgets about. I have to remind her that standing next to Reagan's crib and whispering "reagan" DOES count as waking her up, and IS against the rules. Usually this works. This time, it didn't. Maybe next time I shouldn't "punnish" them with candy!
10 years ago
I love your video! It seriously cracked me up!
That was so funny. There's nothing like rewarding the naughty with candy.
What's up with the candy punishment? I haven't tried that one - maybe that's my problem with Acacia!
CANDY???? What is up with that?? Funny, very funny!!
haha I always rock Quin to sleep.. I guess that way at least I know he is sleeping and not partying in his crib lol
Your little girls are so cute. I love nap time too it's so hard to get them to take naps at the same time though. Mine hardly ever do. And by the way your blocks are way cute. Thats awesome to be that crafty i am jealous!!
Nap time are a VERY special time. The only problem is that children outgrow them while parents don't. I hate to tell you Lacey but Kennedy is about the age of no nap.
What?!?!?! That's funny. I took Jace's nap away a few months ago. He now goes to sleep early and I have a few hours at night to do whatever. wink wink The bad thing is that now he watches more tv so I can do my blogging, cleaning and did I mention blogging? heheh
I remember naps.... they were wonderful. I miss those days! bad! Oh and my kids all took naps at the same time and I think Chelsie was 7 years old.. ha ha She thinks that I was mean but they were all so well behaved after a nap .. so we were all happy!
SO great! Love that you gave them candy. I love that you are so nice to them too. I'm such a sucker, when I go in to tell Livi to go to sleep, it usually ends with me reading her more stories and eventually giving up with the nap and agreeing to make cookies instead.
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